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Economic Development | Issue Briefs

BRIEF | Support Robust Small Business Contracting

NSBA supports reasonable reforms and policies that will further promote and facilitate small-business participation in the federal marketplace.

BRIEF | Support Robust Small Business Contracting

Economic Development, Contracting, Small Business Congress

BRIEF | Improve Access to Capital

Congress needs to protect and support the SBA’s critical loan programs and increase the authorization level for SBA loans in order to prevent unnecessary stalls in lending.

BRIEF | Improve Access to Capital

Economic Development, Small Business Congress

BRIEF | Cybersecurity and Small Business Protection

The very tools that make small businesses competitive have also put them in the crosshairs of cyber attackers.

BRIEF | Cybersecurity and Small Business Protection

Cybersecurity, Economic Development

BRIEF | White House Conference on Small Business

It's been nearly 30 years since the last WHCSB.

BRIEF | White House Conference on Small Business

Economic Development

BRIEF | Strengthen Federal Innovation Programs

Congress should permanently authorize and increase the funding levels for the SBIR and STTR programs.

BRIEF | Strengthen Federal Innovation Programs

Economic Development

BRIEF | Patent Reform Protections

The U.S. must reassert its position as an international leader in innovation with smart fixes.

BRIEF | Patent Reform Protections

Patents, Reform, Economic Development

BRIEF | Strengthen the Export-Import Bank

EXIM should continue to strive to exceed its mandates of supporting small business exporting efforts and reestablishing its reliability as a resource to address inabilities to access traditional credit or financing.

BRIEF | Strengthen the Export-Import Bank

Economic Development

BRIEF | Equity Capital & Crowdfunding

Lawmakers should clarify and ease costly and complex registration requirements on small businesses.

BRIEF | Equity Capital & Crowdfunding

Economic Development

BRIEF | Net Neutrality

A free and open Internet helps prevent unfair pricing practices by ISPs.

BRIEF | Net Neutrality

Economic Development

BRIEF | Data Privacy Regulations

Legislation must consider the burden on small business.

BRIEF | Data Privacy Regulations

Economic Development

BRIEF | Bolster SBA Lending

Policymakers must ensure that programs and pandemic-related program changes are not closed if the need for lending still exists.

BRIEF | Bolster SBA Lending

Economic Development, Capital

BRIEF | Enact the Credit Card Competition Act

This bill is sorely needed to protect small businesses from an unfair, duopolistic market, and ensure they can compete.

BRIEF | Enact the Credit Card Competition Act

Economic Development, ERA, Washington Presentation

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